Humans, by nature, are voracious consumers. Drawn to the new, the shiny and ostentatious. Not only the allure of the object itself, but how it can make us feel too. So much so that, despite being faced with ecological collapse and climate change that endangers our very survival, we continue to forge on with our destructive behaviours.
Consider then Oblivious, a collection featuring whimsical balloon flowers in abundance. Aesthetically almost impossible to resist, even though we're all acutely aware of the devastating effects of plastics on our environment. Reflecting our current societal state, the paradox between doing what's best for the greater good while chasing our own simple pleasures is explored. Deeper still lies an ugly truth we do our best to ignore, that we are complicit in our inaction. With our giant cars, our long-haul flights and our man-made everything, bought under the guise of cost-effectiveness, we do little to combat the issue, hoping instead that others will take and shoulder the burden. And in this battle between survival instincts and conflicting motivations, we grapple with a profound question - when will we recognise that the things we consume come at a bigger price?
Once again the viewer is asked to think more deeply about the aesthetic proposition, whether something seemingly fun and frothy belies a weightier subject which, of course, it does. Representing the downfall of our natural world for our superficial greed, each of the pieces in this collection is a true original - meticulously screen-printed and hand-finished
Oblivious Series 7
The collection is now featured in the Saatchi Gallery's 'Flowers - Flora in Contemporary Art & Culture' (February to May 2025) as part of 500 works exploring the connection between flowers, creativity and human expression, and bring the works to a wider audience than ever before.
Oblivious appearing at Flowers exhibition at Saatchi Gallery. Feb 2025