Richer Than Batman Exhibition

Last Thursday evening, I launched my new Richer Than Batman collection. Exhibiting at my own gallery in Saffron Walden, I partnered with local Saffron Walden beer shop Dead Time for a private viewing of the new collection.

Following on from The Emperor’s New Clothes, Richer Than Batman is the continuation of a wider narrative about wealth and social contribution. The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is now 400 times richer than the Queen. To put it into perspective, the average person would need ten times the length of human history to earn as much as Jeff Bezos. It would take someone on an average salary over 2000 years to become a billionaire.

It was important to me to re-open the conversation about the disparity of wealth, and so, I asked people a question: if you were 400 times richer what would you do and how would it make you feel? 

The new collection is a visual representation of these responses. I carefully selected quotations from 20 different people who represent a cross-section of society (as well as a few recognisable personalities thrown in for good measure). Every piece incorporates a different quotation and is an original piece of art. 

The aim of the new collection is to encourage people to talk more openly about the disparity of wealth and social contribution. I wanted to partner with a charity for the exhibitions and so a percentage of each sale from any of the Rich Enough to be Batman collections will be donated to the Single Homeless Project. Their vision is a society where everyone has a place to call home and the chance to live a fulfilling life. Single Homeless Project helps single people by preventing homelessness, providing support and accommodation, promoting wellbeing, enhancing opportunity and being a voice for change,

All of the original pieces from the exhibition are for sale, as well as the new limited edition prints.

Even if you are not buying any art, we would love for you to support us in our aim to encourage a more open conversation about wealth and social contribution, or you can donate to Single Homeless Project online here.                                               

No one needs to be Rich Enough to be Batman to make a difference. 


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